Burundi Rugembe Hill

From R120,00

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We sourced these beans from Rugembe Hill, located about 3km from the Migoti washing station in Mutambu Commune, Burundi.

Since 2016, Migoti has worked with the surrounding community to restore the coffee production after years of neglect due to war and insecurity, planting tens of thousands of new trees in the past four years. Coffee trees are owned by the local farmers, who maintain micro-plantations on their family land on the hills surrounding Migoti. 

Migoti sources coffee cherries directly from over 700 coffee farmers, some of whom own as few as 25 trees or as many as 1,500 trees.

Tasting Notes – Bright, Berries, Caramel
– Fully Washed and Sundried
Varietal – Bourbon
Growing Altitude – 1,750 MASL (metres above sea level)

250g – R120
1kg – R425

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